
Entering Vermeillon

A deep and creeping darkness indeed.

Thaaradan, 3rd of Bixk, year 200 of Ilais

After sleeping through the night, it’s a short walk to Maerin. Immediately once entering, Aranar goes to purchase Belladonna from Astra, the first merchant they meet, Anya also asks for daffodils to make a flower crown.

Once visiting the enchanting stall, the party buys an acid enchantment armour for Aranar, who stays for the rest of the day and night while Mobril applies the enchantment. Continuing the shopping trip, Anya buys some spices to liven up Aranar’s rather militaristic, utilitarian form of cooking, and then buy a room in the local inn. Talking to Lukas the proprietor of the Bored Weasel, they are informed of the path to Vermeillon and that there have been multiple disappearances. Once Lukas finds out that the party are heading there, he asks the party to retrieve a locket and to place flowers on the grave of his lover who died in a mining accident.

The next morning, Aranar meets up with the rest of the party, and they set off into the forest. On the way, the party encounters a group of kobolds unhappy with the party’s continued existence. After the party solidly reaffirms their continued existence to the kobolds, they rest for the night and each member experiences nightmares of a different form. The next day they make it to Vermeillon.

Upon entering Vermeillon, Thryn and Aranar spot shadowy figures in the forest, but once focused upon, they vanish. Anya hears a scream not noticed by the rest of the party, and is only restrained from rushing on in by Aranar. Aranar leads the party to use the war beat as an identifier. Creeping around the buildings, Anya gets a sight line on where the scream was heard, with nothing there. After cautiously moving to the tree mentioned by Lukas; Anya retrieves the necklace, but not before being pulled back by Aranar once they heard her scream. When Anya retrieves the necklace, Aranar hears Takasir laughing. The party determines whatever creatures these are, they can see minds and the war beat may be useless, and they may have to see a face directly to tell if it is that who is speaking. (Aranar’s helmet may become a problem).

The party enters the biggest house, a comparative mansion to the rest of the properties. The party catches a shadow rush up the stairs as they enter.