(Formerly Totally Not Waterworld) Now we have a proper title, and some mechanics
The idea behind this will be to sail around a world and defeat enemies at sea, collect booty and upgrade your own ship. The main inspiration was looking at Waterworld and wondering if and how it could be made into an actual game.
Build two is now completed, adding in cannon firing (from left and right) and now a speed indicator, done non-liniarly (the faster you are going, the easier to turn, the faster you go, the easier
to go faster/slower).
There now is some blocks for you to hit with the cannons, go ham, or cannon.
WS for accelerating/decelerating.
AD for changing how hard you are turning.
JL for looking left or right.
SPACE for firing with the cannon in the direction you are looking.
alt+f4 to quit.